My name is Jake Pigg, I am a programmer and a private pilot with a bachelors in game programming from the University of Advancing Technology. I am also the founder and lead programmer of Half-Way Games, an indie side project where my friends and I make games in our free time. I'm currently working on two main projects under the Half-Way Games name: Space Bounty, the code name for a procedural space-game framework, and Basalt, a very early in development Vulkan and DirectX renderer/game engine that I plan to use as a test bed for all of the amazing things I learn over the next few years from my adventures in programming. My two main career goals are to 1: Contribute in some way to a graphics research project and 2: Be able to officially launch Half-Way Games as a game studio.

Interested in learning more about me, my work, or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Feel free to reach out anytime, I would be more than happy to chat.